About us
Centro Studi Galileo (CSG) is the most renowned training centre in Italy and one of the leading in Europe and around the world for education and information in the sector of refrigeration, air conditioning and renewable energies.

Founded 45 years ago by its President Prof. Dr. Enrico Buoni in the historical and so-called “Italian Capital of Refrigeration” of Casale Monferrato, CSG has been working with national and international realities for over four decades, developing top-level and prestigious partnerships with the largest organizations, associations and institutions throughout the continents. Around 3000 companies are participating in CSG’s activities, taking place in over 15 locations throughout Italy and the United Kingdom.
The training courses delivered by CSG are held both at CSG’s fully equipped 15 branches, which are strategically located in leading facilities in Italy’s main Regions, as well as in the most important Italian Universities, such as La Sapienza University of Rome, the Polytechnic University of Turin and Milan, the University and National Research Council of Padua.
Further support to the cold industry has been given by Centro Studi Galileo by connecting for the first time ever the industry with technicians and universities, in order to provide them with more and more complete and effective information and training. In fact, CSG has been organizing conferences and courses on the latest refrigeration and renewable energy technologies at major Italian universities (e.g. Polytechnic University of Milan, Universities of Rome and Edinburg).
CSG cooperates with United Nation Environment, the International Institute of Refrigeration and the Association of Contractors AREA, organising the EU Conferences on the latest technology in air conditioning and refrigeration.
Centro Studi Galileo is proud of its close partnership with the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) from Paris, an intergovernmental body funded by 63 governments that accounts for more than 80% of the world’s population. The longstanding collaboration with several United Nations Agencies (e.g. UNEP, UNIDO, UNDP since 2005 in more than 140 Countries) and with the European Parliament and Commission shed light on the central role played by CSG in the decision-making process to address international sector policies. Furthermore, said Agencies chose the Internationally Recognised Certification awarded by CSG for members and Presidents of their partner associations, inviting them to Casale Monferrato (Italian headquarters of CSG) to attend training and assessment sessions to convey the Know How.
In 2009 Centro Studi Galileo has supported the establishment of the Renewable Energy Institute in the UK, and has set up a strong collaboration with TERRE Policy Centre, an Indian non-profit organization dedicated to sustainable development solutions chaired by Mr. Rajendra Shende, former UNEP Director. Thanks to these collaborations, over the past few years CSG has additionally started several worldwide projects of training courses and seminars for local technicians and design engineers, with a focus on renewable energies, energy efficiency and with particular reference to heating and cooling applications (for more information please visit our Italian website).
The real feather in the cap of the education and information activity of Centro Studi Galileo is its series of biennial European Conferences, which have always happened every two years since 1983 under the Auspices of the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Italian Ministry for the Environment, co-organized by the United Nations Environment and the International Institute of Refrigeration, regularly held at the Polytechnic University of Milan.
The last 18th European Conference on “The Latest Technology in Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Industry”, held on 6th-7h June 2019 in Milan, counted upon the participation of the most important Bodies and Associations worldwide, such as: UNEP, UNIDO and FAO from United Nations, the European Commission and Parliament, ASHRAE and AHRI from the USA, AREA, IIR, EPEE, Eurovent, ASERCOM, AFF from Europe and several other national institutions (please visit the dedicated website for the detailed programme and outcomes of the conference).
The 19th European Conference will take place on 10-11 June 2021, proudly welcoming once more presidents, speakers and delegates from all over the world.
Industria e Formazione
Centro Studi Galileo is the editor of the HVACR publication “Industria & Formazione”, the leading national issue concerning the cold sector, distributed monthly throughout the country, also digitally.
The editorial activity is also characterized by the publication of the International Special Issue, edited in collaboration with UNEP and the IIR, featuring an introduction by IIR and UN Directors and the Italian Minister for the Environment. It is regularly distributed by the United Nations at world summits and the most important meetings to the Heads of State of the 190 signatories of the Montreal Protocol.
Moreover, the International Special Issue continuously reaches the public thanks to dissemination in:
- Meetings and conferences organised by IIR, UNEP and CSG
- The biennial UNEP-IIR-CSG European Conference held at the Polytechnic University of Milan
- Collaboration with the major global associations, institutions, GOs, NGOs involved in heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR)
- Associations and Bodies connected with Centro Studi Galileo (AREA, ASHRAE, AHRI, ABRAVA, ISHRAE, IIAR, EPEE, REHVA, ECSLA…)
Renewable Energy Institute
Centro Studi Galileo collaborates with Renewable Energy Institute, a British subsidiary, which is responsible for promoting best practices and knowledge sharing in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency, also working with leading universities and the United Nations (UNEP) to offer a series of educational opportunities.
REI deals with providing professional training courses, qualifications, conferences, publications, European projects, global partnerships, membership programs and the internationally recognized Galileo Master Certificate.